Home Alcoholic Cocktails Ignite Your Taste Buds with the BURN Cocktail: A Fiery Fusion of Gin, Grenadine, Cherry Juice, Tonic, and Sprite

Ignite Your Taste Buds with the BURN Cocktail: A Fiery Fusion of Gin, Grenadine, Cherry Juice, Tonic, and Sprite

Ignite Your Taste Buds with the BURN Cocktail: A Fiery Fusion of Gin, Grenadine, Cherry Juice, Tonic, and Sprite
Ignite Your Taste Buds with the BURN Cocktail

Ignite Your Taste Buds with the BURN Cocktail: A Fiery Fusion of Gin, Grenadine, Cherry Juice, Tonic, and Sprite

Prepare for a taste sensation with the BURN Cocktail, a concoction that promises a surprise for your palate. Embrace the excitement of mixology with this thrilling recipe:


  • 2 cl gin
  • 3 drops of grenadine
  • 2 cl cherry juice
  • 4 cl tonic water
  • 6 cl Sprite


  1. In a glass, combine the gin, grenadine, and cherry juice.
  2. Add tonic water to the mixture.
  3. Complete the cocktail by pouring Sprite into the glass.
  4. Stir the ingredients gently to ensure a well-blended combination.
  5. Get ready to experience the unexpected flavor of the BURN Cocktail!

Additional Tips:

  • Garnish your BURN Cocktail with a twist of citrus or a maraschino cherry for an extra touch of flair.
  • Adjust the grenadine quantity based on your desired level of sweetness.
  • Feel free to experiment with different gin varieties to discover new flavor dimensions.

Whether you’re hosting a party or treating yourself to a solo celebration, the BURN Cocktail is sure to bring a burst of excitement to your taste buds. Unleash the fiery combination of gin, grenadine, and fruity delights with this sensational drink! 🔥🍹 #BURNcocktail #GinDelight #MixologyThrills


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