Home Alcoholic Cocktails Celebrate Refreshment with a Strawberry Lime Cocktail: A Tropical Delight

Celebrate Refreshment with a Strawberry Lime Cocktail: A Tropical Delight

Celebrate Refreshment with a Strawberry Lime Cocktail: A Tropical Delight
Celebrate Refreshment with a Strawberry Lime Cocktail: A Tropical Delight

Celebrate Refreshment with a Strawberry Lime Cocktail: A Tropical Delight

Quench your thirst with the tantalizing flavors of a Strawberry Lime Cocktail. This tropical concoction is a symphony of strawberry, lime, Malibu, and vodka, perfectly blended to create a refreshing and visually appealing drink. Follow these simple steps to shake up this delightful beverage:


  • Crushed ice
  • 5 cl strawberry juice
  • 1 cl lime juice
  • 2 cl Malibu (coconut-flavored rum)
  • 2 cl vodka
  • Lime wedge
  • Fresh strawberry


  1. Prepare this recipe using a shaker.
  2. Begin by adding Malibu and vodka to the shaker.
  3. Follow by adding lime juice and strawberry juice, then mix well.
  4. Fill your chosen glass with crushed ice.
  5. Pour the blended mixture from the shaker into the glass with crushed ice.
  6. Garnish the cocktail with a lime wedge and a fresh strawberry for an extra burst of flavor.
  7. Serve and enjoy your Strawberry Lime Cocktail!

Additional Tips:

  • Experiment with the presentation by using vibrant glassware or decorative garnishes to enhance the visual appeal.
  • Adjust the ingredient proportions to suit your taste preferences.
  • Consider adding a touch of sweetness with simple syrup if desired.

Whether you’re hosting a gathering or simply treating yourself to a moment of relaxation, the Strawberry Lime Cocktail is sure to elevate your beverage experience. Cheers to the perfect blend of fruity goodness and tropical vibes! 🍓🍹


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