Home Alcoholic Cocktails Absolut Blue Cocktail Recipe – A Burst of Flavors

Absolut Blue Cocktail Recipe – A Burst of Flavors

Absolut Blue Cocktail Recipe – A Burst of Flavors

Absolut Blue Cocktail Recipe – A Burst of Flavors


  • 1 cl Blue Curacao
  • 2 cl Cointreau
  • 4 cl Absolut Vodka


  1. Mix the ingredients thoroughly.
  2. Serve the Absolut Blue cocktail in a stylish glass.
  3. Optionally, garnish with cherries for an extra touch.

Description: Experience the vibrant blend of flavors with the Absolut Blue cocktail. This refreshing drink combines the citrusy notes of Blue Curacao, the sweet elegance of Cointreau, and the smoothness of Absolut Vodka. A visually stunning blue hue makes it an eye-catching choice for any occasion.


  1. In a mixing glass, combine 1 cl of Blue Curacao, 2 cl of Cointreau, and 4 cl of Absolut Vodka.
  2. Stir the mixture thoroughly to ensure a well-blended concoction.
  3. Pour the Absolut Blue cocktail into your preferred glassware for serving.
  4. For an added visual appeal, consider garnishing the drink with a few cherries.

Presentation Tips:

  • Serve the Absolut Blue cocktail in a chilled glass to enhance the drinking experience.
  • Experiment with different garnishes like orange twists or blueberries for a personalized touch.
  • Consider rimming the glass with colored sugar for an extra flair.

Whether you’re hosting a party or enjoying a quiet evening, the Absolut Blue cocktail is a delightful choice that captivates both the eyes and the palate. Cheers to the perfect blend of spirits in every sip!

Absolut Blue Cocktail Recipe – A Burst of Flavors

Absolut Blue Cocktail Recipe – A Burst of Flavors
Absolut Blue Cocktail Recipe – A Burst of Flavors


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