Home Alcoholic Cocktails Iceland Cocktail Recipe – A Refreshing Citrus Twist

Iceland Cocktail Recipe – A Refreshing Citrus Twist

Iceland Cocktail Recipe – A Refreshing Citrus Twist

Iceland Cocktail Recipe – A Refreshing Citrus Twist


  • 4 cl Vodka
  • 6 cl Grapefruit Juice
  • 4 cl Tonic Water


  1. Shake the ingredients well with ice.
  2. Strain the mixture into a glass.
  3. Top it off with tonic water.
  4. Garnish with a slice of lemon for the perfect finishing touch.

Description: Transport yourself to the refreshing landscapes of Iceland with this invigorating cocktail. The Iceland cocktail blends the crispness of vodka, the zesty essence of grapefruit juice, and the effervescence of tonic water. It’s a harmonious concoction that captures the essence of cool Icelandic vibes.


  1. In a cocktail shaker, combine 4 cl of vodka, 6 cl of grapefruit juice, and 4 cl of tonic water.
  2. Shake the mixture vigorously with ice to chill and blend the flavors.
  3. Strain the concoction into a stylish glass.
  4. Carefully pour 4 cl of tonic water over the mixture.
  5. Garnish your Iceland cocktail with a visually appealing lemon slice.

Presentation Tips:

  • Serve the Iceland cocktail in a chilled glass for an extra refreshing experience.
  • Experiment with grapefruit twists or mint leaves as alternative garnishes.
  • Consider rimming the glass with sea salt to evoke the coastal feel of Iceland.

Embrace the cool and crisp flavors of the Iceland cocktail, a perfect choice for those who appreciate a citrusy and revitalizing drink. Skál! (Cheers in Icelandic)


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