Home Alcoholic Cocktails Glad Eye Cocktail Recipe – A Refreshing Twist with Raki

Glad Eye Cocktail Recipe – A Refreshing Twist with Raki

Glad Eye Cocktail Recipe – A Refreshing Twist with Raki

Glad Eye Cocktail Recipe – A Refreshing Twist with Raki


  • 4 cl Raki
  • 2 cl Mint Liqueur


  1. Mix the ingredients with ice until well-chilled.
  2. Strain the concoction into a glass of your choice.
  3. Garnish your Glad Eye cocktail with a cocktail cherry for an added touch of elegance.

Description: Elevate your cocktail experience with the Glad Eye, a delightful fusion of traditional Turkish Raki and the refreshing essence of mint liqueur. This unique blend creates a harmonious balance of anise flavors with a hint of cool mint, making it a perfect choice for those seeking a sophisticated and revitalizing drink.


  1. In a mixing glass, combine 4 cl of Raki and 2 cl of mint liqueur.
  2. Add ice to the mixture and stir until the ingredients are thoroughly chilled.
  3. Strain the well-blended concoction into a stylish cocktail glass.
  4. Enhance the presentation by delicately garnishing the cocktail with a vibrant cocktail cherry.

Presentation Tips:

  • Serve the Glad Eye cocktail in an elegant glass to showcase its refined character.
  • Consider rimming the glass with sugar for an extra layer of sweetness.
  • Experiment with different mint varieties to tailor the minty undertones to your liking.

Indulge in the Glad Eye cocktail, where the rich heritage of Raki meets the invigorating allure of mint. It’s a sip-worthy creation that promises to captivate your senses with every flavorful note. Cheers to a sophisticated and refreshing experience!



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