Home Alcoholic Cocktails Strawberry Daiquiri – A Refreshing Twist on the Classic

Strawberry Daiquiri – A Refreshing Twist on the Classic

Strawberry Daiquiri – A Refreshing Twist on the Classic

Strawberry Daiquiri - A Refreshing Twist on the Classic
Strawberry Daiquiri – A Refreshing Twist on the Classic

Strawberry Daiquiri – A Refreshing Twist on the Classic

The Strawberry Daiquiri is perhaps one of the most preferred cocktails, maintaining the essence of the original Daiquiri while adding a delightful touch with 4-5 medium-sized strawberries blended in.


  • Rum (Preferably Bacardi)
  • 1 lime
  • Sugar or Simple Syrup
  • 4-5 medium-sized strawberries


For this cocktail, we’ll be using a blender instead of a shaker. Simply add 2 shots of rum, 1 shot of lime juice, 1 teaspoon of brown or white sugar (if available), and 4-5 medium-sized strawberries to the blender. Toss in 3-4 ice cubes and blend until the ingredients are well mixed, ensuring that any added sugar is completely dissolved.

Once satisfied with the blend, stop the blender and pour the mixture into the desired glass. For a finishing touch, garnish with a lime wheel or a whole strawberry. When you take that first sip, you won’t believe you made such a wonderfully flavorful cocktail yourself.

Cheers to your homemade Strawberry Daiquiri – a true taste of delight!


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